Saturday 23 March 2013

Snowing in March

Snowy saturday in March.
All clothing boutique and stores are selling spring wear and bikinis whereas it's still snowing now..
Global climate is changing drastically and the seasons are meddled up.
People are starting to be aware of the awkwardness. Will it be too late?????

Wednesday 13 March 2013

NTIC Harlem Shake!!!!!!

This is what we did for media class last week.
It was fun and get involved personally with the subject issues.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Being aware of what's happening to your own country.

From what I've known, Malaysia had not had a bloodshed for many years.
Globally, it is a small gunfire issue.
But to us who had never had gunshots and death of two different countries, it is a big deal.

The claim to be 'Sultanate of the Sulu' had came into our land a month ago, armed with guns.
Just a few days ago, fire had been involved and had been continuing since.
We may not know what is what or who is right or wrong.
But what is saddening is to see innocent people involved and killed.
Ironic it may be, but many of our people seems to be unaware of this issue.
Life do go on as an ordinary day but there are people who have loved ones who may be under threat.

Praying all will be resolved soon.
Here's the BBC news:

Thursday 28 February 2013


Learning and exploring the fun ways to use pinterest.
There are a lot of interesting visual media that can be found here.

Saturday 16 February 2013

GIF animation

Learned how to do GIF animations today using cinemagram.
It's really fun and hilarious to shoot and edit the picture.

Sunday 10 February 2013


Worked on Photoshop during the last class this week.
Created effects that are cool, warm and tried out instagram effects such as Nashville effect.

Here are the photos:





Photo Credit: 
Taken By: Chung Zhi Yi
Model: Chong Chai Siung
Location: Krakow, Poland
Weather conditon: Winter, Snowing and frozen slippery road.

Friday 1 February 2013

Optical Illusion

Our eyes have perceived 2 shades of pink when it is actually the same!

I believe this is a type of physiological illusion. The colour around the pink squares has created the illusion. 
Our brain has perceived it is in a darker shade of pink when it's surrounding is in green, whereas a darker shade of pink when it's surrounding is white. 

The link below provides a cleared explanation of this illusion: